Tag: programming remove
Talk by Jon Moore on designing a RESTful api with HATEOAS.
I need to look this page up every single time.
A series of video tutorials on various Clojure topics by Tim Baldrige.
These always make me think of _why.
Bob Ippolito’s single-step Mac OS X Haskell installation.
Brent Yorgey’s course on Haskell. Chris Allen’s recommended way of learning Haskell. After going through it a bit, I found some problems and progress slowed, then halted. I’ll bet it’s great when you take the course…the lecture notes are not enough for self study. I personally would recommend Learn You a Haskell to dip toes in, then look for the next step.
An interactive tutorial that teaches you Processing. Taught by Daniel Shiffman. Love his enthusiasm.
The link to pylogo.org no longer works, although there is a sourceforge page.
The wikipedia page for Logo.