mj's Logbook

Tag: ml remove

Practical Deep Learning for Coders

I keep seeing very positive things said whenever this course comes up.

courses ai ml

2 years ago


“A small extensible programming language designed for concise expression with little code.”

Keep an eye on this.

language programming pl ml

4 years ago

Braid: An ML-like language that compiles to Go

I’d really like for something like this to be production-ready.

ml golang programming language

6 years ago

ML for the Working Programmer

books toread ml programming

7 years ago

Real World Ocaml 2nd Edition

A preview of the second edition of Real World OCaml is available online.

books ocaml programming ml

7 years ago

UW CSE341, Spring 2013

Dan Grossman’s class on Programming Languages. It starts by introducing foundational ideas using ML, then builds on top of them using other languages to introduce new concepts. After watching several videos, this is an easy one to recommend.

dan grossman functional ml programming tutorial

9 years ago