mj's Logbook

Tag: web remove

Hypermedia Systems

A book on htmx cowritten by the author of htmx.

books programming web htmx

11 months ago


css web

2 years ago


css web

2 years ago

Saas Pages

“A collection of the best landing pages with a focus on copywriting and design.”

design web

2 years ago

CSS Layout Patterns

css web

2 years ago

Let's create a basic CRUD with Rust using tide

rust tide programming web tutorial

3 years ago


A web “toolkit” for Racket. There’s a nice video of the author building a url shortener here. Something interesting about this project is that it uses Racket’s contracts.

racket scheme web

3 years ago

Guess My Word

A daily game where you enter a word and are told if the target word is before or after your word until you guess the target.

games web daily

4 years ago


A javascript animation library.

javascript animation web

6 years ago

Font Squirrel

Royalty free fonts

fonts web

6 years ago

Spellbook of Modern Web Dev

A curated and catagorized list of web development links.

programming web

7 years ago

Pingdom Website Speed Test

A tool from Pingdom that analyzes the performance of a URL.

tools pingdom web

7 years ago

GoAccess - Visual Web Log Analyzer

Ditch GA for something like this.

analytics web

7 years ago

Flexbox in 5 minutes

An interactive tutorial that teaches you Flexbox.

flexbox html tutorial web

8 years ago

Hypermedia APIs

Talk by Jon Moore on designing a RESTful api with HATEOAS.

api programming rest talk web

9 years ago


A simple template for blogging.

blog html5 template web

10 years ago

Web Animation Resources

animation web

10 years ago


Web app that helps connect people who are looking for collaborators.

collaboration web

10 years ago

How I Structure My Flask Applications

Post on Flask layout by Matt Wright. He has other Flask-related articles on his site.

flask matt wright programming python web

10 years ago

Modern Web Applications with Flask and Backbone.js

backbone flask javascript programming python web

10 years ago