mj's Logbook

Tag: talk remove

Controlling Time and Space: understanding the many formulations of FRP

elm programming talk

9 years ago

Hypermedia APIs

Talk by Jon Moore on designing a RESTful api with HATEOAS.

api programming rest talk web

9 years ago

Functional UI programming with React.JS and ClojureScript

clojurescript javascript programming react.js talk video

10 years ago

David Nolen - The Functional Final Frontier

I’ll watch any talk this guy gives.

david nolen fp talk

10 years ago

Greg Wilson - What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It's True

programming talk video

10 years ago

Therapeutic Refactoring

This was highly recommended by two panelists from the Ruby Rogues episode featuring Gary Bernhardt . Just watched this later (02/26/2014) and it is fantastic.

katrina owen programming talk video

10 years ago

Kathy Sierra: Building the Minimum Badass User

kathy sierra talk video

11 years ago

Nicholas Zakas: Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture - YouTube

javascript programming talk video webdev

11 years ago

Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are

TED Talk recommended by Scott Stevenson on Twitter.

talk ted video

11 years ago