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Tag: books remove

Hacking With Swift

books swift programming

6 years ago

Introduction to Computer Organization: ARM Assembly Language Using the Raspberry Pi

programming pi books

6 years ago

ML for the Working Programmer

books toread ml programming

6 years ago

Real World Ocaml 2nd Edition

A preview of the second edition of Real World OCaml is available online.

books ocaml programming ml

7 years ago

How These Things Work

An introductory book on computer science.

books cs

7 years ago

Data Science from Scratch

algorithms data science python books

7 years ago

Ask HN: Books you wish you had read earlier?

books hn

7 years ago

Learn F# on GitBook

Some initial work done on a few introductory F# books.

books fsharp gitbook

8 years ago

Software Foundations

books programming

10 years ago

JavaScript Allongé by Reginald Braithwaite

books javascript

10 years ago

Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!

A beginner’s book to learning Erlang. Highly recommended by just about everyone.

books erlang programming

10 years ago

Started reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay


10 years ago

Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures

A Python DS & A book using interactive examples. Every time I go back and check this thing, it has gotten better. You can now see the execution environment in the examples of the apps due to the book using IPython Notebook.

books python tutorial

10 years ago

Patterns of Code As Media

A “catalog of sites where code is a media object”. It covers many interactive styles of teaching, breaking them up into patterns and offering opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of each.

books edtech education knowledge programming

10 years ago

Test-Driven Web Development with Python

A free online book by Harry Percival.

books programming python

10 years ago

Think Complexity

Free algorithms book by Allen Downey using Python. Published by Green Tea Press, which has several free books by Downey.

algorithms books programming python

10 years ago

Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers

books statistics

11 years ago

Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices for Django 1.5

A new book on Django best practices.

books django programming python

11 years ago

NO BULLSHIT guide to Math and Physics

Compresses a whole bunch of math (High school math, Vectors, Mechanics, Derivatives, Integrals) into a two-week textbook.

books education math

11 years ago

Data Wrangling Handbook

An online book focused on extracting data from various sources.

books data programming

11 years ago