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Tag: video remove

Sean Gordon Murphy demos (1/3) - YouTube

Sean Gordon Murphy process videos. I just found about him through a Nice Art post on Comics Beat.

art demo ink Sean Gordon Murphy video

11 years ago

Domain-Driven Design with Clojure

amit rathore clojure programming video

11 years ago

Bodil Stokke: What Every Hipster Should Know About Functional Programming

Cool talk by Bodil Stokke on the basics of functional programming.

bodil stokke programming video

11 years ago

Functional Web Architecture by James Reeves

Fantastic talk by James Reeves on the architecture of Ring and Compojure.

clojure compojure james reeves ring video

11 years ago

Clojure Concurrency - Online Training Course

A set of videos that teach Clojure concurrency.

clojure tutoriral video

11 years ago

Draw Mix Paint

Mark Carder’s videos on learning how to draw and paint.

art mark carder painting video

11 years ago

Knowledge Navigator - YouTube

Alan Kay’s updated version of a Dynabook in the 80’s. We’re still nowhere near this.

alan kay apple video

11 years ago

Hello World! Processing on Vimeo

A documentary on creative coding.

documentary processingjs programming video

11 years ago

Comic Quest - How Webcomics Work

Interesting way of delivering the message of how online comics make money. From the documentary Stripped.

comics documentary video

11 years ago

YOUNG GALAXY: Blown Minded - YouTube

The first time I came across this video I replayed it something like 7 times. I love the art by Carine KhalifĂ© (the video’s description details the painstaking work she went through making the video) and the haunting vocals of Catherine McCandless.

music video

11 years ago

The Art of Illustration | Off Book | PBS - YouTube

A short video from the PBS Off Book series on illustration.

illustration video

11 years ago

Neil Gaiman Drops Knowledge

Several videos of Neil Gaiman answering interview questions.

neil gaiman video

12 years ago

James Ransome Working with Watercolor - YouTube

James Ronsome draws and paints the cover of a children’s book.

artist video watercolor

12 years ago

Nicholas Zakas: Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture - YouTube

javascript programming talk video webdev

12 years ago

Hacked Existence - Django

A series of Django video tutorials.

django programming tutorial video

12 years ago

Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success

Another recommended TED Talk.

ted video

12 years ago

Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are

TED Talk recommended by Scott Stevenson on Twitter.

talk ted video

12 years ago